Hi, i am Alberto de Guillermo.
The intention of this website is to share my pictorial work, developed over time and simultaneously with the rest of my graphic disciplines, as I consider it the backbone, essence and engine of my background in the visual arts.
Having accumulated experience and knowledge in various fields, these are resources that I like to offer both in my personal and professional work, thus covering a wide field within the profession.
Beyond the knowledge and benefits obtained, my main motivations are to exercise my profession with affection and passion as well as the possibility of awakening those same feelings in other people.

Some time ago, I moved my studio to an agricultural environment developing an almost self-sustainable project, seeking isolation to avoid being too influenced by the over-stimulation to which we are subjected in urban and commercial environments, trying to keep my creativity as unpolluted as possible and also trying to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible, leading a life and creative process according to the themes that I address in my paintings.
The first objective of this website is to share my work with anyone who might feel attracted to it and that is why I offer you, free of charge, a PDF copy of any of the paintings that appear in the FOR SALE or COLLECTION sections.
The second objective is to thank you for any donation or help of any kind that you think it would be appropriate to give, so that I can go ahead with this project of Creation in Sustainable Isolation, as in these circumstances the search for resources is very difficult, taking a lot of time away from the creative process. And you can do it through my personal contacts at the bottom of the page.
The third is to sell my works, giving them visibility and getting them to be shared in inaccessible environments for my personal influence.
